Monday, June 21, 2010

Feeling Productive

So - I feel as though I had a productive night. I got home and we ate as a family. My husband mowed the lawn while the kids and I went outside. They "helped" me garden - ok - the helping didn't last long before they wanted to do something else. Amazing what a pitcher of water and two plastic cups can do! I got the gardens turned over and ready for some plants. Then I got some one on one with the little two. It was an enjoyable family night - while getting stuff done. I would catch myself when I went to yell - and took a deep breath and talked with them.

I am trying to stop the yelling - and start to focus on quality time with the family. As I am screaming at them - ok not screaming - but yelling - I think to myself - would I want my mother talking to me that way - ummm - the answer is no. It goes back to the basics - treat others as you would like to be treated - and I am starting with my kids - only makes sense - right!

Ok - enough for now - time to hang out with the husband now that I have 2.5 sleeping kids (the middle nutty one is "reading" books to herself)

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