Friday, July 16, 2010

Kindness of others

It's the little things sometimes, that make a big difference.

On my way into work - I got to an intersection. I am trying to make a left on a busy road. So I am waiting...and as soon as I am clear one way - the line of traffic to make a left in front of me piles high - I sigh and figure - I will be here a while. Doesn't the first guy wave me through. I wanted to hug him. That simple gesture that didn't take him any time - made my day.

Don't minimize the little things in life that make a big difference.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Feeling Productive

So - I feel as though I had a productive night. I got home and we ate as a family. My husband mowed the lawn while the kids and I went outside. They "helped" me garden - ok - the helping didn't last long before they wanted to do something else. Amazing what a pitcher of water and two plastic cups can do! I got the gardens turned over and ready for some plants. Then I got some one on one with the little two. It was an enjoyable family night - while getting stuff done. I would catch myself when I went to yell - and took a deep breath and talked with them.

I am trying to stop the yelling - and start to focus on quality time with the family. As I am screaming at them - ok not screaming - but yelling - I think to myself - would I want my mother talking to me that way - ummm - the answer is no. It goes back to the basics - treat others as you would like to be treated - and I am starting with my kids - only makes sense - right!

Ok - enough for now - time to hang out with the husband now that I have 2.5 sleeping kids (the middle nutty one is "reading" books to herself)

Losing the "I wants"

I need to get back to writing. It free’s some of the craziness in my head – helps cleanse.

So as I am sitting here starting to feel anxious – I get overwhelmed. I am trying to pin point where this feeling is coming from. A few months back I found some great minimalist websites. They have been very enlightening. So I have my blog list – I read those – and then tons and tons of craft blogs. It’s funny when I got thinking about it – I will tell you – they don’t exactly go hand in hand.

While I watch these crafting blogs and read them I get antsy – I think – I want to do that. WOW – that person is so talented – but the worst – I NEED THAT. I saw one video – of a dream craft room. It was beautifully filled with SO MUCH STUFF. As I was watching it (don’t get me wrong – I would love a room like this), I got overwhelmed looking at it. I thought – with all that stuff – though beautifully organized – how would you know what you have? So I watched that and then read an article about knowing what all of your possessions are (if I find the site – I will link back to it – sorry – still getting to understand the blogging thing), and thought – how crazy is that – know everything that you own. But you know what – they were right! If it isn’t worth remembering that you own it – what is the point of having it. If you can’t sit there and say – I need this – and find it – it doesn’t mean a lot to you.

So the past few weeks I have been walking around saying I want I want I want. I go to the store and I buy. Finally I was standing in my kitchen and thought – what am I doing? I feel totally overwhelmed – a few weeks back while I was journeying through my minimalist sights I felt so much more at peace.

Then I thought “I want to want for the sake of needing, not need for the sake of wanting” Does that make sense? It makes sense in my head :) I want to need everything that walks through my door, instead of just wanting everything. I tell you – I have spent SO much money on crafting projects. I did a little shopping spree (shhh don’t tell my husband). You know what – I could probably only tell you one item I purchased – that is the item I wanted to complete a project with. That just goes to tell you what was needed vs. wanted.

Another site I read, she said buy for today – not for tomorrow. If you can’t walk out of a store knowing what the use is for the item, and plan on using it that day or the next – you probably don’t “need” it.
So as I journey forward (and I may have to be urged to stay on track), I want only what I need at home, and get rid of the “I wants”.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My little man

So it has been a while since I wrote last – and it has been a busy week – well two.

My little boy had to go for surgery. It was a circumcision with a little extra. They had to wait until he was 6 months old because they had to put him under. It was so nerve wrecking. I can’t imagine all those parents that were at the hospital for other reasons. I was definitely thankful that it was only what I was in for. But – still – seeing him hooked up to all the tubes, and IV – and having him be “knocked out”, it was hard. Makes you count your blessings as a parent for healthy children!

On to my house – I need to get back on the horse. It is so hard with being busy at work – and my little ones scaring me with health concerns (though slight concerns – a lot to handle). When it is clean – it feels so much more peaceful! I still pull into my garage with a smile on my face! My kitchen is 90% clean every night – not as OCD as I once was. Our bedroom is still under construction. It will be a happy day when that is done.

I am still trying to figure out how I want this blog to evolve. Working mom, mom, organizing home. Regardless of what it becomes – I am a mom 1st and foremost – so it will be my ventures in that.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Being a mother is hard!

I knew being a mother was not going to be easy – but I didn’t think it would be so heart wrenching!

My poor middle child – only 27 months – is making me sick. For the past week – she has been having these 20 minute zombie spells. She doesn’t want to eat – or drink – just sits and stares – almost like she is on the verge of tears. The daycare called me one day and said that if I had time to stop down. I went – she wouldn’t eat her lunch, refused to drink (she is my guzzler!) I walked in and she wouldn’t even look at me. I picked her up and she was almost lifeless. It took about 20 minutes for her to snap out of it and she was fine. We had lunch, hung out for my break – and she was good.

The next morning – I heard her at 6am – she was in the fetal position in the middle of her floor just whimpering. I have no idea how long she was like that. She can’t talk – so she couldn’t communicate what was wrong. 20 minutes – she was fine.

This has been going on for a few days. I was sick over it with worry. I finally called the Dr. They said there is a virus going around – and this could be attributed to that. I don’t know though. If it keeps up – I will take her in on Monday.

With all that being said – does the worry ever end? I look at my kids often and am overcome with the joy they have brought to my life. But times like this I look into the future – and can only see the worrying continue. As I talk to my mom – I realize – even when they are grown and out of the house – you never stop being a mother – and I guess worry is part of the job description. I guess if I didn’t worry that would not be normal.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A new Day

Each day I have been waking up and feeling so much more relaxed. I look around my house and breathe slowly – everything is coming along. Things have a home, and are where they should be. I can quickly find any item that I want. We spent Saturday cleaning the garage – even the girls helped while the baby slept. I now pull into the garage and smile. I come home from work, with the kids in the back – I open the garage door – and say look girls – and they get so excited because they helped. It is a nice feeling to come home too instead of a long day of work and seeing a mess.

I am even finding that I am spending so much more quality time with the kids. No more turning on the TV to keep them occupied. We are on the floor playing. We are building with blocks, reading books, playing with Barbie’s, our dollhouse, making use of those toys I did keep!

This is just the start of my journey to leading a more fulfilled life – and so far – so good. On the way to work I realized – life is what you make of it; you only have one to live. Why spend it sitting on the couch thinking of what you want to do, or what you could do, or how life is unfair because you have had no opportunities. Make your own! If you just sit around having life pass you by – you will never know what could have been. I am done sitting down and watching life pass me by. I am enjoying life and living it. Come and join me!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mommy moment

Before I went on the journey to simplify my life – I was a pack-rat mom :) The part that is still there mom! A Mom Of 3 (hence the name MO3).

So I thought I would reflect some entertaining mom stories.

My oldest daughter (almost 4), is such a cutie – and I am turning her into a clean freak! So – I said – do you want to clean the car with me – or should we do some crafts. Her response “Mommy – I have a better idea – 1st we can clean the car, then I can watch Ariel – then you can paint my nails”. She is such a girl! She is TO cute!

Ahh – and the two girls (4 and 2) are starting to fight. The younger one is getting pretty strong and is pulling her own weight. She wants what she wants – when she wants it….and pretty much won’t take no for an answer. (Trust me – 2 hours of screaming is proof!)

Then….my little man….what a bundle of joy he is. My husband looked over at me and smiled and said “You do realize he is keeping us sane right now” as the girls are screaming in the background.

The joys of motherhood!!! Am I right! Does it ever hit you that “Oh my gosh – I am a mom!” (Ok – if you are a dad reading – same question – just replace mom with dad).

Every now and then DH and I look at each other – look at our kids and chuckle saying – how did we get here. Weren’t we just married – now we have 3 kids in less than 4 years.

Time flies – cherish it!

Typical Day

It is easier than I thought changing my lifestyle. It takes little time - it really does. So this morning we are busy getting ready. My almost 4 year old doesn't want to move fast. My 2 year old won't sit still, and the baby is still sleeping. Busy getting ready for work (late as usual - maybe I will work on that next). The dishwasher is full of clean dishes. So I drink my coffee - get the kids there drink. I am ready to walk out the door (OK - my super husband is putting the kids in the car for me), and I look at the sink - there are about 5 dishes in it. I flash forward to coming home tonight and seeing dirty dishes in my very clean kitchen. I hurry wash them - and I am putting the last one in the cupboard as my husband buckles in the last kid - how fast was that! Now I get to come home to my spotless kitchen and breath a nice sigh as I walk in.

AND - I walked into my office today - and I had a huge smile on my face - almost didn't recognize the place - everything had a home - and everything was in it's home. No cluttered work space - clean and ready to work! I know I will get picked on saying "You must have no work to do". But truth is - I feel so much more productive - and I know where everything is.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My office

Just a quick entry. I went to grab a pen at my desk. Nope - don't like that one. This one has no ink. I went to put them back. I stopped, thought "stop being lazy!". I tackeled my office for 10 minutes. I managed to put, literally, 50 pens, pencils, highliters, ect back into the supply closet. Along with a couple note pads. Threw out a ton of papers that were cluttering up my desk that had already been handled. I went to a meeting, came back and sighed as I came in - because my office was clean. I am less overwhelmed - and more productive.

Life is a journey – not a pre-written book

As I am trying to explore who I want to be, and what I want to do, I am looking at so many different avenues. As I mentioned earlier I found some great minimalist website. I find – with my personality – I want want want, more more more. It isn’t just material things, it is information too. I could spend days researching, and collecting. For what you ask – I have no idea! I just hate the thought that there is information out there that I don’t have or I don’t know. I have this compulsive behavior that I am trying to break free from.

I digress….

So I am implementing more minimalist behaviors. My house is thanking me (not my husband though! :) everything has a home it has to go to!) So I was planning on going to Yoga that day. And I got thinking about the minimalist mentality. And I got myself in a mini panic attack. I all the sudden didn’t want to go. I got home – I was in a bad mood. My dear husband looked at me and said – get dressed – you are going to yoga. I didn’t want to go – I should be home – I should be with the kids – I should be cleaning – I should be organizing – I should be – I should be – I should be……If you are a minimalist – you don’t just have minimal possessions, you have minimal commitments and minimal activities.

Reluctantly I get in my car with a scowl on my face and drive out to the Bikram Yoga class. I change walk into the 90+ degree room thinking – I should be home – I shouldn’t be here. I lay down still agitated. We start – I look around – this is only my 2nd class. I start doing the poses, before I know it the 90 minute class is over. I am doing my cool down breathing – and I go over the events in my head.

I am trying to find that perfect solution. I want to go to a site – and have them tell me exactly what to do. You know what – life is a journey, not a pre-written book. I am not going to find that perfect solution already out there that fits me. I shouldn’t have to conform to anything or anyone. I was able to push myself in my class. I was stretching my muscles, my organs, my mind. Just in my 2nd class I was able to do new poses that I wasn’t able to before. I felt longer, leaner. I was covered in sweat. I felt great! As I was walking to my car I texted my husband and thanked him for “forcing” me to go, and told him I loved him. I almost didn’t go because I was trying to conform myself to a lifestyle that I don’t really know anything about, and I am interpreting it to an extreme.

There is no perfect solution written for anyone out there. I don’t think I will stop looking, because each person’s journey can be a part of mine and can help guide me to where I want to go, and what I want to be. But – we all must write our own books. We have to pick and choose, and mold what we want our lives to be, not be told.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Feeling productive

I feel rejuvenated in my new found "productiveness". And I think I am creating a monster with my 4 year old. OK – not a monster – but a little clean freak 

She woke up yesterday morning – looked at me – got out of bed – quickly made her bed and gave me a kiss and told me she loved me. How cute is that! Then we decided to tackle the pantry. My husband took our 2 year old and went to Home Depot so we could start our bedroom. And I put the baby in the swing to watch us. She was such a big help! She put all the plastic silverware where it should be – and I gave her things to go upstairs in the linen closet (No need to keep toothpaste and bar soap downstairs when we use them upstairs). So when the closet was all done (One box of donations and one bag of garbage later), we marveled at it.

I told her to get her PJ’s on – When she was coming downstairs I asked her (which I have never done before), if she put her clothes in the dirty clothes basket. “Of course”. So when she was down stairs – I ran upstairs. All the items that I gave her were lined up nice and neat – in a straight line against the wall. Her bedroom – spotless with her dirty clothes in the hamper. Train them young – right.

Then – when the kids were in bed – my dear husband and I tackled our bedroom. We got 1 coat of paint on 3 of our walls. It looks great! We need to order our furniture and pick out a bedspread. Very excited for it to be done.

Pretty productive for a Monday. I am thinking of taking a night off (letting my husband put on the 2nd coat of paint), and going to a yoga class.

Monday, April 19, 2010

One week in

I am one week in – well – 1 week and 1 day if you are counting – into my new found….what’s the word….self.

It started with mentioning to my mom that I needed motivation to get my house in order. Now – my kitchen – ahhhh – my kitchen – is a place of joy! I walk in and smile. 8 days in – it is still clean. My sink shines, my cupboards are still in order, there is nothing on my counter and I know where everything is.

(I will try and post pictures as I go – I love blogs with pictures for inspiration – a pictures worth a 1000 words – right!)

Then I moved on to my front coat closet. Took everything out – put away the winter gear (kids and adults separated and labeled in bins), bought some bins for up top. It’s beautiful, organized – and I can see the bottom!

Then I took the day off – dropped the kids off at daycare and went to work. I managed to get there rooms and two closets cleaned out.

Linen closet: I got rid of 4-5 garbage bags full of stuff – from ONE linen closet!!!! One does not need 50 baby blankets! I kept 2 for each girl, and a handful for the baby – since he is still a baby. I bought crates – and what fit in the crate per each “category” was what stayed! It’s beautiful….I went to give the kids a bath…and imagine this – I found the towels and washcloths and soap without having to dig!

Cedar closet: oh my – I have been in there about 10 times in the 10 months we have lived here. It was frightening – you couldn’t open or close the door – it was full of…let’s just say…stuff! Most of it is either “storage” for if we have another baby, or donation. How many comforters does one person need – 5 – probably not! They are gone! I open it now – and – it looks great….My gift wrapping supplies are organized. Note to self – do not need to buy ANY bags, ribbons or wrapping paper any time soon! Our “personal” media and photo’s are in one location, along with our “guest” items (spare blankets and a blow up mattress).

Kids rooms: three of them! I went through every closet and every drawer. I was sick of saying – nope don’t like that – and putting it back in the drawer. Or outgrown, putting it back or this is stained (and you got it – putting it back in the drawer). Donation and garbage. Now – I walk in – everything has a home. The clothes are folded – organized – and only items I like are in there (they are still too young to have a preference). It’s awesome, relaxing and just feels good to have that done.

Next I ventured on to our room – it needs a lot of work. I got rid of a lot – but we are also in the process of building a “sanctuary”. New colors on the wall, new furniture, new room. We need a place to escape – a place to relax. A place to look around and not see baby toys. A place for us. Hopefully – in two weeks – we will have that.

I will try and take pictures and talk through how I organized. I am trying to treat this blog as one that I have been searching for – outlining a personal journey to a better life.

Till next time!


Sorry if some of the posts are repetitive, my mind is not existent currently.

I am starting to see a glimpse of what my life can be with the fixing the "problems" in my life. Eliminating the un-needed and becoming in the moment.

It started yesterday - and I am trying to see what I can do today.

I went to get the paint out for my kids to do art and be creative. And I have there supplies all over the house. It's overwhelming. Not a good feeling to inspire creativity. So maybe that will be my task today - get the kids arts and crafts organized so we can do that more often - and not be in front of the tv as much!

Also - my mom gave me the task today of picking a room and getting it completed by Friday (when she watches my kids), and she will inspect it for me. Drawers, closets, clean and purge. What room to do - what room to do...........

From one of my new favorite blogs -
“When old patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.” – Tuli Kupferberg
I need to break free of my pattern of more material things - the better. I am getting better - I went shopping for my new bedroom - and for the first time - I didn't "WANT WANT WANT" - I found nothing I wanted to get - that wasn't going to fulfill me - that isn't my problem - still exploring to heal from the inside.

My long lost friend

Ahhh sleep - how I miss you. Having three sick kids in the house is a joy - a true test of patience. Our poor baby has a double ear infection and a sinus infection. The middle one - has croup - she managed to cough in my face from midnight till 4 when the baby needed to eat. Watching her run around - you would never guess that she didn't sleep - how is that possible!

OK - so now that the mother part is over....what should my goal be - besides not falling asleep!

We are trying to decorate out master bedroom - maybe I will try and get all the coordinating pieces - and go through the kids closets and start putting some winter stuff away. Need to do something.

A new day

So yesterday I told my mom - can we work together - I need motivation. And - it worked. We told each other - randomly let's text throughout the day - to motivate us to "unclutter" our lives. So when I got out of bed there was a friendly text saying "Set the timer for 15 minutes - sweep and mop your kitchen floor". So - set the timer. Guess what - the timer went off - and I mopped the last spot on my floor - clean floor.

I sent her a text - throw out 5 things.

I get one - find a hot spot - declutter for 15 minutes. Ahhh - I went right for my tupperware cupboard and mixing bowls - I threw out a garbage bag full of stuff that doesn't fit together. Ahhhh - feels good.

Set the timer for 15 minutes - you will be amazed at what you can do. We learned this from It is a wonderful website - highly recommend it!

For now - I am going to shine my sink - and play with my kids.

And so it begins - my journey

OK - off I go to the blogging world. I have been wanting to start for - well - probably a few years now. So here I am.

What do I want to do you ask? Well - blogging is cheaper than therapy right? So - here I am to try and find my way. I am a mother of three beautiful children! 3 kids under 4. They keep me busy! I work full time, am married to a wonderful husband, love to craft. My problem - I am constantly looking to find that "perfect" solution. That solution to fix my house, to make me better organized, to make me better at my job, to make me a better friend, a better daughter. So I keep hopping from blog to blog, web site to website and finally said - you know what - why not create what I am looking for. So - hopefully I can use this outlet to try and find my way - and hopefully help people along the way.

I want to be able to talk about being a mom - how I handle my kids - and get advice in return. I LOVE to craft - I would love a forum to share my creations.

I have a very obsessive compulsive personality. so I may be able to provide a little humor to my insane life :) I hope you enjoy! I hope I do to!